Journal of System and Management Sciences  --- Vol.1, No. 1


An Empirical Examination of Global Supply Chain Management Practices in the U.S. Textile and Apparel Industry

Jin Su ...................................................1

A Service Management Enterprise Architecture

Jianwen Chen, Iain Mcintosh, George Africa, Arthur Sitaramayya..............................15

Securing On-Line Payment Using Dynamic Signature Verification

Valentin Andrei, Sorin Mircea Rusu, Ştefan Diaconescu, Adrian Dinescu....................................................25

Implementing Supply Chain Quality Management in Subcontracting System for Construction Quality 

Lin Lin, Peter Gibson.............................39

Research on the Scale-Planning Model for the Coal Logistics Center Based on Coal Logistics Network Planning

Zongxi Liu, Qilan Zhao..........................49

An Organization-Wide Analysis of ERP and Information Systems Interrelationship for Logistics Support

Varanya Tilokavichai, Peraphon Sophatsathit..........................................59

Global Logistics Management: A Methodology For Curriculum Design

Yen-Chun Jim Wu, Chih-Hung Yuan.......................69

Impact of High Speed Railway on Logistical Competitiveness of Civil Aviation in China

Hongchang Li ...................................85

Devising Loyalty Relationship Strategies in Technology-Based Remote Services

Soma Sur...................97

Antecedents And Consequents Of Service Consumption Experience in Electronic Mediated Environment: Empirical Evidence from Electronic Service Industry in China

Hua Dai .............................107